Oluwaseyi Shofolawe-Bakare
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Chemical Engineering
Oluwaseyi obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from Tuskegee University, Alabama in 2017. He stayed at Tuskegee University to get his Master’s in Material Science and Engineering in 2019 under the supervision of Dr. Shaik Zainuddin. His Master’s work involved the fabrication and characterization of the macro- and nanomechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites that were modified with aligned carbon nanotubes. He went to receive his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at The University of Mississippi under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Werfel. His doctoral work focused on synthesizing stimuli-responsive glycopolymeric nanoparticles to boost tumor immunogenicity through macrophage-targeted therapy. Oluwaseyi joined the Leipzig lab in the summer of 2024 as a postdoctoral research associate where he research focuses on spinal cord injury repair. Apart from his research, Oluwaseyi enjoys reading books in the psychology, philosophy, and Christian theology genres.
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, 2013-2017, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.
M.Sc. in Material Science and Engineering, 2017-2019, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 2019-2024, University of Mississippi, University, MS
2018 Alabama EPSCoR Graduate Research Scholars Program
1st Place 2019 Alabama EPSCoR Science and Technology Opeh House Poster Presentation
2nd Place 2024 NOBCChE Conference Poster Presentation. University of Mississippi
2023/2024 ACS Graduate Research Scholar
- Hulugalla, K., Shofolawe-Bakare, O., Toragall, V., Mohammad, S. A., Mayatt, R., Hand, K., Anderson, J., Chism, C., Misra, S. Shaikh, T., Tanner, E., Smith, A., Sharp, J., Fitzkee, N., Werfel, T., Glycopolymeric Nanoparticles Enrich Less Immunogenic Protein Corona, Reduce Mononuclear Phagocyte Clearance, and Improve Tumor Delivery Compared to PEGylated Nanoparticles. 2024. (In review).
- Shofolawe-Bakare, O., Toragall, V., Hulugalla, K., Mayatt, R., Iammarino, P., Bentley, J., Smith, A., Werfel, T. Glycopolymeric Nanoparticles Block Breast Cancer Growth by Inhibiting Efferocytosis in The Tumor Microenvironment. 2024. (In review).
- Mohammad, S.A. Toragall, V. B., Fortenberry, A., Shofolawe-Bakare, O., Sulochana, S., Heath, K., Owolabi, I. Tassin, G., Flynt, A.S., Smith, A.E, Werfel, T., Postpolymerization Modification of Poly (2-vinyl-4,4-dimethylazlactone) as a Versatile Strategy for Drug Conjugation and Stimuli-Responsive Release. Biomacromolecules. 2024. 25 (40)
- De Mel, J., Hossain, M., Shofolawe-Bakare, O., Mohammad, S. A., Rasmussen, E., Milloy, K., Shields, M., Roth, E.W., Arora, K., Cueto, R., Tang, S.C., Wilson, J.T., Smith, A.E., Werfel, T.A., Dual-Responsive Glycopolymers for Intracellular Codelivery of Antigen and Lipophilic Adjuvants. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2022. 19 (12)
- Shofolawe-Bakare, O.T., de Mel, J. U., Mishra, S.K., Hossain, M., Hamadani, C. M., Pride, M. C., Dasanayake, G.S., Monroe, W., Roth, E.W., Tanner, E.E., Doerksen, R.J., ROS-Responsive Glycopolymeric Nanoparticles for Enhanced Drug Delivery to Macrophages. Macromolecular bioscience, 2022. 22(12)
- Shofolawe-Bakare, O. T., Stokes, L.D., Hossain, M., Smith, A.E., Werfel, T.A., Immunostimulatory biomaterials to boost tumor immunogenicity. Biomaterials Science, 8(20) 2020
Conference Presentations
- Shofolawe-Bakare, Oluwaseyi. (2023, October 14) “pH-responsive glycopolymeric nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery to macrophages” BMES 2023. Seattle, Washington, United States. Oral Presentation.
- Shofolawe-Bakare, Oluwaseyi. (2022, October 14) “ROS-responsive, glycopolymeric nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery to macrophages” BMES 2022. San Antonio, Texas, United States. Oral Presentation.
- Shofolawe-Bakare, Oluwaseyi. (2022, July 28) “ROS-responsive, glycopolymeric nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery to macrophages ‘’ Mississippi INBRE IDeA/EPSCOR conference 2022. Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States. Oral Presentation
- Shofolawe-Bakare, Oluwaseyi. (2021, October 9) “ROS-responsive, glycopolymeric nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery to macrophages” BMES 2021. Orlando, Florida, United States. Poster presentation