Aleesha McCormick, PhD
Graduate Student
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
I grew up in the Akron-Canton area and received my bachelor’s degree in Integrated Science Education from Kent State University. I taught Physics and Chemistry for two years at Louisville High School, which is southeast of Akron. Tissue engineering is a rapidly growing field, and I am fascinated how biology, chemistry, and physics all meld together to achieve one goal. I am married and love taking care of our two children…I mean dogs. They are beabulls which are half beagle and half English bulldog. Ramsey and Jamie are brother and sister, and they are named after two chefs, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey. My husband and I enjoy cooking and eating a variety of ethnic cuisines as well as relaxing at local coffee shops. I also like to be active and am up for a game of soccer anytime. I love to travel and have been to a variety of places in Africa and have also spent time in Japan.
B.S. Integrated Science Education, Kent State University, Kent, OH, May 2006
PhD, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Akron, Akron OH, 2014
Publications/Book Chapters
- AM McCormick, NA Jarmusik*, ND Leipzig. “Co-immobilization of semaphorin 3A and nerve growth factor to guide and pattern axons.” Acta Biomaterialia. 28: 33-44. 2015. LINK
- AM McCormick, MVSN Maddipatla, S Shi, H Yokoyama, A Joy+, ND Leipzig+. “Micropatterned Coumarin Polyester Thin Films Direct Neurite Orientation.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 6(22): 19655–19667. 2014.2014. LINK
- LJ Kobelt*, AE Wilkinson, AM McCormick, RK Willits, ND Leipzig. “Short duration electrical stimulation to enhance neurite outgrowth and maturation of adult neural stem progenitor cells.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 42(10):2164-76. 2014.LINK
- AM McCormick, NA Jarmusik*, EJ Edrizzi*, ND Leipzig “Expression, isolation and purification of soluble and insoluble biotinylated protein for nerve tissue regeneration.” Journal of Visualized Experiments. (83), e51295, 2014. LINK
- AM McCormick, A Wijekoon, ND Leipzig. “Specific immobilization of biotinylated fusion proteins NGF and Sema3A utilizing a photocrosslinkable diazirine compound for controlling neurite extension.” 2013. Bioconjugate Chemistry.24(9): p. 1515-26. 2013. LINK
- AM McCormick, ND Leipzig. “Neural regenerative strategies incorporating biomolecular axon guidance signals.” Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 40(3):578-597, 2012. Selected for Cover Art. LINK
- AE Wilkinson, AM McCormick, ND Leipzig. “Central Nervous System Tissue Engineering: Current Considerations and Strategies.” Synthesis Lectures on Tissue Engineering. KA Athanasiou and JK Leach Eds, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, p. 1-120, 2011. LINK