Dipak Pukale, PhD
Graduate Student
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
I come from a small town called Banpuri which is located in the state of Maharashtra, India (IN). I studied my B. Tech. and M. Tech. from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. I worked with Dr. Dipak Pinjari and Dr. Rahul Kulkarni during my previous research and completed projects in the field of silicone surfactants. Along with the research background, I have 2 years of industrial experience as a process engineer which motivated me for the research. My interest in the biotechnology and bioengineering inspired me to choose Dr. Leipzig’s group for my doctoral study. I am going to work on the molecular aspects of spinal cord injury during my doctoral study. I am really interested in the field of stem cell research, regenerative medicine, target drug delivery. Apart from the work, My other interest includes trekking, traveling, listening music, watching cricket.
B. Tech. in Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactant Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (IN), July 2013
M. Tech. in Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactant Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai (IN), June 2017
PhD. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Akron, Akron, OH, May 2022
The Best poster presentation award at the National Conference on ‘Recent trends in oleochemicals and surfactants’ organized by OTAI and TEQIP- 2017
1st position in technical paper presentation competition in inter-college technical Fest, Vortex 2016 organized by ICT, Mumbai-2016.
The chemical weekly award for ‘the best international research paper published by an undergraduate chemical engineering student in high impact factor journal’ by (IIChE) Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers- 2015.
ISCMA scholarship by DR. Kishore M. Shah, president, ISCMA- 2012 and 2013.
Druman M. Trivedi Merit-cum-means scholarship- 2012.
Castrol Merit-cum-Means scholarship- 2011.
M.S. Patel trusts Merit-cum-Means scholarship-2011.
Publications/Book Chapters
- Pukale DD, Lazarenko D, Shriver LP, Khabaz F, Leipzig ND. Osmotic contribution of synthesized betaine by choline dehydrogenase using in vivo and in vitro models of post-traumatic syringomyelia. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. November 22, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s12195-022-00749-5
- Dipak D. Pukale, Dipak V. Pinjari*, Rahul R. Kulkarni, Usha Sayed. “Development of Nanoemulsion of Silicone Oil and Pine Oil Using Binary Surfactant System for Textile Finishing”. Journal of surfactants and detergents 20:1061–1073. 2017: DOI 10.1007/s11743-017-1970-8.
- Dipak D. Pukale, Archana S. Bansode, Dipak V. Pinjari*, Rahul R. Kulkarni, Usha Sayed. “Application of silicone surfactant along with hydrocarbon surfactants to textile washing for the removal of different complex stains”. Journal of surfactants and detergents 20:287–295, 2017: DOI 10.1007/s11743-016-1901-0.
- Dipak D. Pukale Ganesh L. Maddikeri, Parag R. Gogate, Aniruddha B. Pandit, Amit P. Pratap*, “Ultrasound-assisted transesteri?cation of waste cooking oil using heterogeneous solid catalyst”. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22:278-286, 2015: DOI 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2014.05.020.
- Dipak D. Pukale, “Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using various methods”. Bombay Technologist Journal 22-23:12-21, 2013